Tuesday 20 October 2009

Suprise!! (Part II) We're Pregnant!

on this picture already 10 weeks old
We're Pregnant!
Denise and I are honnered that we may bring you extremely good news! "We are expecting a baby! After being married for almost a year now we receive a special ribbon upon our relationship! Out of our love for each other came a real mirracle! An amazing creation that is still so small and fragile but in the nearby future we will be able to hold it in our arms! Our first child!

He or She?
The baby should be around 13 weeks already so it has to be possible to see if it is a boy or a girl. But since the first possible appointment in the hospital can only be next week. We still have to stay anxious for a little more... Denise would like to have a boy "becouse they are easyer" she sais. But critics already protested against this statement.
To me a little girl would be very nice because those little brazilian girls are so extremely cute with their curly black hair! Ofcourse we will be extremely happy with what ever the litteral and figurative "outcome" will be!

D-day, Liberation day!
Ofcourse the proud dad whom is always trying to visualize the future already made a quick calculation of when the big day of party and happyness will be. Denise sees it more as D-Day! The day with the heaviest battle in a 9 moths war... And then you could also call it liberation day! "But what good is a liberation day if you're to tired to celebrate it!" How ever the day might go, for now it is planned somewhere in the middle of April 2010. Our first doctor had a real exact date. He said it would come on the 29th of April 2010 wich is Denise's own birthday! More reasons for celebrations! ("Well, Hooray..." Denise sais on a real sarcastic tone) But luckely this date has already been changed to the middle of april. But ofcourse it could still come late... But we'll see when its time!

Denise's Situation
For Denise ofcourse everything is very new and a little frightning! But fortunately she already passed the first three most dificult months and she isn't that naussious as she was in the beginning. Her belly is growing fast already and she sais that once in a while she experiences a feeling she never felt before inside of her. Is that the baby moving around? A lot of times she is realy tired and sleeps a lot extra. But luckely she isn't someone who feels sorry for herself! Ze tries to keep herself strong. And she keeps on saying that she always dreamd to get married and have a family. When she was little she always liked to play that she was pregnant putting a pillow underneath her shirt And now she realy is pregnant! She finds it a very special time and is already staring to love her baby a lot! We many times have conversations with the belly! Where our child can already here us!

We already decided the child will be a pro in Gymnastics! And directly after the birth we will start training hard! If we force it enough it could still participate in the Olympic Games here in Rio de Janeiro in 2016! We ofcourse dont want to put to much pressure and expectations on him/her so a silver meddle would already be enough to please us! But if he/she realy wants to make us proud! No, ofcourse this is just making silly jokes about it! All we want is our baby to become happy like her father and mother are!

Becouse of the TV program and our free trip to Morocco we had to keep our pregnancy hidden for a while! It was supposed to happen like this... We would bring the good news to my parents through a video message. The camera crew would then record the response of my parents to the news. And it had to be the natural response so nobody could know about it jet that way it would be a total suprise! Therefor also none of you herd about it jet! In Brazil it was already known for some weeks! I am suprised that it didn't leak out to Europe since its such a small world with so many people who could accidently tell something they weren't supposed to! Now that our trip is over we are aloud to finaly shout the good news from the roof tops! Or use the more modern version: Upload the good news onto the internet! So therefor...

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