Tuesday 1 September 2009

Not work related...

For me, the months August is one of the best months of the year!
When i was still living in the Netherlands it was always the month
that you came back from you're vacation and still had some time
free of your work or studies before everything started all over
Also i must mention that my Birthday is in the month of
August and well, i may not be someone that celebrates his birthday
abundently. But i love the extra attention! Thanks everybody for
the beautiful cards, everybody that congratulated me and all of the
best wishes for this coming year of life. Thanks everybody for the
love and friendship that i got to recieve! For me that was the real
message of all atention
. I love you guys too!

In all the time that i am living in Rio de Janeiro I always wished
that one day i would be able to go to a soccer match in the
worlds biggest soccer staduim "Maracana" not far from where i live.
I until now never got the possibilety to go there becouse it's kind
of expensive. But Denise thought that if she would give me tickets
for a game as my birthday pressent it would be worth the money.
So we started August extremely good! By going to the soccer match
Flamengo-Fluminense in Maracana.

We weren't realy lucky becouse it turned out that there weren't that many supporters as usualy, while Maracana is at it's best when it totaly sold out and packed. Also the teams hadden't put their best players like "Adriano" (ex inter milan) in the field and although there were many great chances, the game ended without goals 0-0. But i had a wonderful night that i will remember for all of my life! I am happy with my pressent! Denise found the game a lot less interesting then me... She kept on saying that she didn't like it that there wasn't any commentary during the game like they have on television. "Now, how am i supposed to know, who the player is that is having the ball. They all look the same? I love it when she makes me smile!

On the 25th of Augustus the day before my birthday we officially
celebrated it by going togehter to a realy nice restaurant. Wow!
They had sooo much food so many different things that you could
choose from. They had about 25 meters of tables covered with
diffrent kind of excelent dishes and then i haven't even mentioned
all the extra spaces where they had salades, deserts and they even
had an open kitchen where you could name what ever you liked the
way you like it and they would instantly prepare it for you and all
this food for only paying an entrence fee
! Man, I didn't know what
i was going to choose and hadn't got a clew where i should start...
We ate and ate and enjoyed a lot of quality time together until we
couldn't eat thing anymore. And the Bill wasn't even that high the
secret was hidden in the extremely expensive drinks and deserts
wich we luckely hardly used.

This months I want to show special apreciation to our sponsors...
We were honnered to recieve the largest total amount of
sponsoring we ever recieved in a month. Wich has helped us so
much! To be honoust in the beginning of the month we were in
debt on my dutch bank account and we had dificulty in believing
that this would get better soon.
But thanks to God and you guys
we are safely back on a healthy number and finaly we can live a
little more confortable in stead of always needing to think about
our tight budget. Wich is a great improvement for our
relationship since the small irritations and frustration have gotten
a lot less and we enjoy it much more We are happier at the

Finaly i would like to ask for extra attention on our prayer points. Especialy the one that sais - Peace in Complexo do Alemao. For the last 5 months we hardly had any trouble in the neighbourhood it was actualy realy peaceful. Well for as far as possible, Ofcourse every day there were hundreds of young guys walking around with heavy guns in my street. But at least they weren't shooting with the guns. But the last couple of days it has been realy tense. Every night we are woken by heavy shootings close to our house. When this happens we have to get out of bed to stay on the floor of our office. This is safest place in our house since there the walls are the thickest wich should keep the bullets from entering our house. We would realy like it a lot when the peace would come back... Can you please help us pray? Thanks!

The person in the picture is an actor in a scene of the film "Tropa de Elite" For my
own safety i can not make or publish pictures of real drugdealers in my street.
The picture above is not a real image but it gives a good example of the reality.

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