Friday 18 September 2009

Moving towards our new building!!!

Our own building!
Finaly it is reality! We have our own building! Well it became a
different building then the one that we wanted to buy. But well it
turned out that a furniture store also was interested in the building
we we're using until now. And well they could offer a lot more
money then we could wich automaticly results in that we had to go
and find us a new building...

Luckely we found another person that wanted to sell his house
for almost the same amount of money we could afford. The building
is a bit small and its location also isn't as useful as the building we
had to leave.
.. But well at least now it realy is our building! With the
big improvement that we never have to pay rent anymore! Wich
means that that part of our income we can now use realy improve
our building and make it a realy beautiful nice place for the children
and teenagers to study and enjoy themselves.

Ofcourse many things still need to be improved. To be honoust i
would have liked it to close the project for a while so we could realy
improve the building once and for all. Doing all nescesary at once.

But this realy isn't possible... The childrens perfomence gets a lot
worse if they don't go to Project Patio after missing one week they
have to start all over! And well the brazilian school season is almost
to its end, wich means that the children will be tested to see if they
can pass on to the next year? If Patio stays open they have a fair
chance to make it but if we would close down. It will be a lot more
dificult for them.
Therefor fixing up our building needs to be done
during the times the project isn't open..
But first of all we had to move all our stuff from our old building to
the new one. Wich was a huge job! But luckely we have many hands
and together we moved everything to the the new Project Patio...

Soon I will make some fotos of our new building and put it online
here on this weblog.

Can you guys help us as well?
Ofcourse we could realy use a hand extra to improve our building.
With only a small amount of dollars we can do many things here...
Buy construction material, Buy paint to make it all look nice. Buy
shelves we can put on the walls or schoolboards so that we can
teach the children better, you name it! On the sidebar you can find
our account information. Together we can give the children,
teenagers and their parents a realy nice community center. Where
they can learn, play as much as they want or just simply relax with
their friends. Thank you very much for your help!

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